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The Harborne Pumpkin Parade 2023!

October 18, 2023

The Harborne Pumpkin Parade is BACK for 2023!

Join us between Friday 27th October - Sunday 5th November to find the pumpkins on display across Harborne businesses!

We are asking for the help of our local Halloween hunters to locate and share the secret message on display in the pumpkins.

If you find the hidden message, you’ll be in with the chance of winning some prizes!

And this year we have TWO TRAILS for you! Choose the trail you want to complete or solve them both for an extra entry into our prize draw!

This is a great way to celebrate the Harborne High Street this Halloween! Be sure to tag Harborne Village in your trail pictures so we can see all the fun you had, using the hashtag #HVPumpkinParade on your posts.                                                                                                 

To get involved, pick up your trail sheet from Silver and Love, or you can even print at home by downloading it below. Then make sure you return completed forms back to Silver and Love before 5th November, so you don’t miss out on being added to the prize draw to win a voucher for the high street!



We want to say the biggest thank you to all the Harborne businesses getting involved, Acc-Unique Solutions, Osbornes, Reloved Revolution, Sabai Sabai, The Barbers Shop, Maddison, Silver and Love, Harborne Spa, Cods Scallops, The Junction, Boston Tea Party, The Harborne Library, Bainbridge Opticians, Headway, The Works, British Heart Foundation, Secret Sicilian, Harborne Pool and Fitness, Wentworth and Rose, Reflections, Sophie Bea and Fur Family Pets.

We can’t wait for the community to join us for some spooktacular fun!

For the latest updates on the Pumpkin Parade, click GOING on our Facebook Event and make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok!

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