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About the BID

Harborne Village is surrounded by beautiful parks, the Harborne Walkway and there’s a selection of good primary, secondary, state and independent schools in the area. The nationally renound Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the University of Birmingham and Birmingham City University campuses are all on our doorstep giving Harborne Village a truly vibrant local community.

In 2017 Harborne Village became a Business Improvement District (BID).  A BID provides a powerful opportunity for businesses, working together, to have greater influence and play a larger part in what happens in the village.  For more information about the BID click here.

A BID provides a powerful opportunity for businesses, working together, to have greater influence and play a larger part in what happens in the village. Together, we will ensure Harborne Village is a great place to shop, work and do business.
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A Business Improvement District (BID) is a geographically defined area in which businesses have agreed to collectively invest to improve the environment, both for businesses and local residents, over a set period of time. BIDs are underpinned by government legislation.
The BID is funded through the BID levy. The BID levy is a payment made by the local businesses that are located within the BID area and is calculated as a percentage of the business’ rateable value. The levy percentage in Harborne Village was set following on from the consultation process.
The combined BID levy income is spent on a range of projects, initiatives and services that were developed in consultation with local businesses. The projects are outlined in the Business Plan.  These range from security to Christmas lights, events to floral planting.
Birmingham City Council invoices all liable parties on behalf of the BID annually.  They collect the income and pay it to the BID.
The BID is a not for profit company overseen by a voluntary Board of Directors from the business community.  On a day to day basis the BID is run by the BID Manager whose role is to ensure that the Business Plan is delivered.
Kerry Holden-Jones - H-J Wealth Planning Ltd (Chair)
Matt Rose – Brittain Opticians
Jason Spencer – Rudells
Richard Miles – Silver & Love (Treasurer)
Dan Cole – Caffe Nero
Hope Adie - Colonel Duck 
Non-voting Directors 
Councillor Jayne Francis – Birmingham City Council
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