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Harborne Green Village Fete

June 30, 2021

It feels so good to have our freedoms slowly returning as lockdown restrictions continue to lift, wouldn’t you agree? Over the past year, Harborne Village has really missed being able to organise special events that bring our community together. Instead, we’ve worked together by staying apart in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. But now it’s time to come together again, and we’re so excited for our upcoming Harborne Green Village Fete!

You’re invited to join us on September 12th for fantastic food, drink and entertainment as we take over the High Street for a day. This is a street party you simply won’t want to miss! Expect stalls and exhibits, fun and games, freebies and giveaways as the local businesses you know and love take to the streets for the Harborne Green Village Fete. With your support, these businesses continue to push on despite the strain of restrictions and rule changes, and now they’re rallying together to bring you this special event. Only by your commitment to shopping locally has Harborne continued to thrive amid the pandemic, and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We’re on a mission to become more environmentally conscious, which is why the Harborne “Green” Village Fete is going to be a back to basics traditional event that the entire family can enjoy. Life is finally starting to look a little more normal, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you in September. Make sure you save the date and we’ll see you there!

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