By Business
Raise The Bar Infographic

Did you know that the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors are collectively worth £635bn to the UK economy? That’s why a new campaign is urging the government to raise the qualification threshold for the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF) from £51k to £150k to help support these crucial businesses to survive through COVID-19.

This collective national campaign was instigated by Croydon BID and is designed to support those that work for and manage business in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors. We are all facing concerns at this extremely uncertain time, particularly surrounding the UK economy and the effect that COVID-19 is going to have on each and every one of us. Amending the rateable value from £51,000 to £150,000 would save countless business and jobs across the nation.

An open letter has been written to Rt. Hon. Alok Sharma MP, our current Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, requesting that the RHLG threshold be reconsidered in light of the facts being presented. This request is supported by a number of industry leaders and businesses and will, for most, offer the single biggest difference in their commercial fight against this global crisis.

Whether you work in these sectors or not, we’re sure you know someone who does, and this is a cause that affects us all, if not simply because we love to visit these places. Please support the campaign by signing the petition, which will be presented to the government shortly. You can also read the open letter here and find out more by visiting the Raise The Bar campaign website.

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