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Press release

Nearly 2 years of the Harborne Village BID!

October 9, 2019

Here's how Harborne businesses working together has made a difference so far...

Safety & Security

We promised - a visible uniformed presence.

We delivered - a street warden which has almost eliminated street begging, anti-social behaviour and resulted in the recovery of thousands of pounds worth of stolen stock.


We promised - on street CCTV monitoring.

We delivered - an upgrade to HD on one of the cameras and are in talks to get the others upgraded, as well as extending provision to cover the majority of the BID area, and establishing a live link from radios to the CCTV control centre.


We promised - a managed security radio system.

We delivered - a linked radio system to 31 of our businesses most affected by theft and antisocial behaviour.



We promised - street cleaning and graffiti removal.

We delivered - removal of graffiti in the BID area.


We promised - Christmas lighting displays.

We delivered - a street lighting scheme that was double in size from previous years and included lighting the tree on the roundabout at the top of War Lane.


We promised - improved street furniture.

We delivered - replacement of all the street bins in the core BID area to a single design. We are currently working on an ambitious scheme to remove all unnecessary signage and posts to help open up and improve the feel of Harborne Village.


Marketing & Events

We promised - more events to attract visitors.

We delivered - the Christmas lights switch-on, the Bunny Hop trail, Digbeth Dining Club pop-up at the Harborne Carnival, The Swarm Trail, and we're currently working on more.


We promised - a marketing strategy for the village.

We delivered - a tendering process to contract Tiger Bam Comms to manage our communications.


We promised - a consumer website and social media presence.

We delivered -, and our social media strategy has been a huge success accruing over 6400 followers for the Harborne Village brand.


Business Support

We promised - business newsletters, social media and website activity.

We delivered - a variety of marketing platforms for Harborne businesses to take advantage of such as a dedicated website with a business directory, a business focussed newsletter delivered in print and online, and a growing social media presence targetted at the Harborne community that already has thousands of followers.


We promised - networking opportunities.

We delivered - The Business Den: monthly networking meetings for BID businesses.


We promised - to lobby and represent local businesses on Village issues.

We delivered - Kate Smart, the BID manager, has monthly meetings with Birmingham City Council and liaises with the local councillors on a regular basis as well as attending regional BID meetings to share best practice.


Additional income - in addition to the BID levy investment in Harborne, we have generated £22,000 in funding to improve the streets. That's an additional 14.5%.

Volunteer income - over £10,000 worth of volunteer hours donated by working on BID projects.


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